During elementary school, we embrace the innate curious nature of students in order to develop their essential skills through first-hand experiences. Students are encouraged to question, explore, present, and test what they know, while treating each other with respect and developing the beginnings of social etiquette.
Students enter primary school at the end of kindergarten. The duration of the primary stage is five years, from the first grade to the fifth grade.
Our learning environment is well-resourced and accurately designed to provide students with a range of child-oriented and hands-on multi-sensory activities.
The Vice Principals are keen to assist teachers in providing curricula as well as assisting specialized teachers in providing Arabic, English, UAE social studies, music and physical
education programmes, all supported by specialized classrooms for ICT subjects, music and physical education.
The English Language Arts program aims to develop strong speaking, writing and listening skills as well as developing accuracy, fluency and comprehension skills, and this program is designed in line with the Official Common Core Standards. Emphasis is placed on speaking for writing strategy at each stage to develop consistency and organization skills.